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The New KISS formula for COVID-19 Videos: Keep it Simple and Safe

As workplaces begin to reopen in some areas, communicators should recognize the fear factor and understand your colleagues’ anxiety in returning back to work. There will be countless questions on everything from safe seating to the availability of PPE. Videos are an effective method of communicating safety changes in the office or factory floor — and in the COVID-19 era these can be simple productions.

 Here are 3 tips to plan your next video. It’s a play on the KISS Principle. Instead of: Keep is Short and Simple, it’s now Keep It Simple and Safe.


Start with Safety: 

While the production values won’t be as high, you can get the job done with a small crew of a couple of technicians. Clearly the message and goal of the video starts the creative process. Safety is the overriding decision-maker on everything from script to locations.

Simple works: 

We are getting used to the home movie concept of watching Al Roker deliver the weather from his kitchen and SNL At Home. Talking on-camera should be static. Walking and talking generally needs more crew members (remember safety). You can even use a smart phone on a selfie stick. Add a teleprompter app to improve performance and attach a microphone to enhance the audio. A great editor can turn average into extraordinary.

Be authentic:

This is especially important during times of crisis. Eliminate corporate-speak; simple and conversational language work best. Use as many facts as possible in your message to demonstrate transparency. A series of short and simple videos creates a cadence of information directly from the source to keep your stakeholders better informed. This can build lasting good will that can continue long after the crisis is over.

As we slowly begin to head to the next normal remember: Slick is out. Safe is in.

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