CommCore Blog and News

Diversity in the Workplace Tips

Written by Alexandra Elliott, Associate ’23

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) training plays an essential role as leaders aim to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace. From hiring decisions to employee treatment, bias can impact every organization. Hosting a diversity workshop is just one way in which leaders can promote equity and cultural competency among employees. 

Recently, the CommCore team completed DEIR training. Throughout the session, our team learned about the different types of bias and methods to overcome them. DEIR efforts don’t stop when training is over; it is an ongoing learning process that prompts necessary discussions to foster inclusivity in the workplace. While there were many valuable lessons, we have listed three key takeaways:

Unconscious bias is real. 

Everyone has bias, even if it flies beneath the radar of our conscious minds. This bias, which is called unconscious or implicit bias, still affects our beliefs and decisions. It is crucial that individuals explore their implicit biases, instead of pretending that they don’t exist.

Awareness is the first step towards change. 

Understanding your own biases lessens their impact on your judgment. Once you become cognizant of these underlying beliefs, they lose some of their power. This allows you to take control of your decisions, and as a result, you will be moving away from the automatic thinking that might have originally led to biased choices and actions. 

Be open to sharing your own perspective and listening to others. 

With recognition and awareness comes the opportunity to learn. Individuals will evolve by sharing and listening to others with different cultural beliefs and backgrounds. Change is difficult, but it’s possible, especially with these honest discussions. 

The time we spent on this recent training was valuable for our team. It has resulted in open discourse and deepened our understanding of others’ perspectives and the role that bias plays not only in the workplace, but in our society. Throughout the following weeks, we will continue to share key tips from our session on social media.