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COVID-19 Communications – Messages Can Save Lives

If we could set the clock back two months, the goal in launching a new product or advocating an issue, was to engage audiences, achieve more click-through’s and increase the social shares. In our present day COVID-19 universe, the goals may remain the same, but the stakes are higher and delivering the right message can possibly save lives.

Here are a few ideas CommCore has been advising clients:

  1. Repetition works
  2. Use visuals to reinforce the message
  3. Product-and-cause messages must be authentically connected to a focus on people and their health

Repetition. The Marketing Rule of 7 states that you need to “hear” or “see” the advertiser’s message at least 7 times before people will take action to buy that product or service. Follow the Rule of 7: repetition of hand washing and social distancing guidelines, or any local information cannot be overdone.

Visuals make a difference. There is compelling data that tell us how we illustrate what we are saying helps drive the message home.

  • Posts that include images receive 650% higher engagement than text-only. (Medium)
  • Using the word “video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65% (Saurage Research)
  • Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images. (Quick Sprout)
  • Visuals with color increase people’s willingness to read a piece of content by 80%. (Saurage Research)
  • Infographics can increase web traffic by 12%. (Demand Gen Report)

Authenticity. Showing care and concern is a hallmark of crisis communications strategy. Tone and context are critical. Take the time to craft messages and make appropriate connections to what is happening in the impacted world before pivoting to a more parochial promotion or product. A recent update to the Edelman Trust Barometer on brands indicates:

  • 71% respondents said that if they perceive a brand is putting profit over people, they will lose trust in that brand forever.
  • 90% want brands to do everything they can to protect the well-being and financial security of their employees and suppliers, even if it means substantial financial losses until the pandemic ends.

During these challenging times, it’s safe to say that our collective attention span is even shorter. Following these simple ideas can help break through the clutter.

Send us what’s working for your organization and we’ll post on our CommCore web site.