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Posts Tagged: Andrew Gilman

Tylenol vs. Toyota

Toyota’s January 2010 massive recall and sales stoppage of vehicles has been quickly compared to the recall by Johnson & Johnson of Tylenol in 1982.

Most of the similarities are in the enormity of the recall and the proactive nature of the effort. Read more

Tiger and the White House Party Crashers

Tiger Woods was the best thing that happened this week to the still nearly-famous (will they soon become infamous?) Michaele and Tareq Salahi, the Virginia reality-TV aspiring couple who “crashed” the White House state dinner last week and didn’t show up when invited for Congressional testimony. Read more

GM Bankruptcy

If GM could convince drivers to buy cars as well as they communicated this week, the auto maker would come out of bankruptcy quickly.

From CEO Fritz Henderson, to UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, to other executives, to the rank and file, as awful as the bankruptcy filing was this week, GM spokespersons were consistent and united in their statements about a new GM. Read more