CommCore Blog and News

What have we learned since March 2020?

As the end of year two of COVD-19 approaches, we have had many discussions – both internal and external – on what we’ve learned (and heard) since the pandemic shut down offices way back in March 2020.

Here are our views as we deal with Wave 5 – Delta and Omicron:

If you were already remote, the pandemic actually brought you closer

Dale Weiss, the already remote lead of our Dallas office, says he feels more connected to the team since the start of the pandemic. We have daily check-in calls on Zoom with colleagues in NY, DC, Dallas and Atlanta and have less hesitation at any moment to reach out when we need to.

Can you count how many video meetings you had before March 2020? In our 35 years in communications, we can count them on one hand. No one believed that video meetings really worked. The technology was there – but not widely adopted.

While we really, really, really miss in-person work, for the foreseeable next few months, client interactions, new business pitches, presentations and trainings will be via video (Zoom, Teams, Google Meet or WebEx). It’s been easy.


We have learned how resilient we all are. The word was highlighted in a Yale Medicine posting back in May titled “8 Lessons We Can Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic” and we thought it was still appropriate for the our media and crisis response training world. Think of how resilient people have been, despite the challenges of working remotely. We shifted immediately to a virtual world. We know how to go from video, to PowerPoint, to chat and still connect. We work globablly with less jet lag, but at crazier hours.


Community is essential

In the same Yale article, the other key message: “community is essential.” We’ve all found out just how important “community” is – even the brief interactions, like going to the store. One client shared a story about a co-worker who didn’t leave his house for a full year. He and his wife had everything delivered. He’s out in his community a bit now. We realized how important it is to connect with business colleagues with our first in-person training with 25 masked participants in Michigan this September.


What’s ahead for 2022? We will see the slow return of people to the office and in-person meetings, though Omicron is already slowing this down. Hybrid work arrangements will continue with organizations having limited numbers of people in the office on a varied schedule. And we will continue to train both in-person and virtually.

As we look forward to the start of 2022, let’s hope we continue to grow closer by reconnecting and building back the work and business communities that we have missed.

Happy Holidays and continue to be safe!