CommCore Blog and News

Lessons for Business Leaders from the Massachusetts Election

The talking heads and columnists will analyze/spin the politics behind the Massachusetts upset by Scott Brown (R) over Martha Coakley (D) for Teddy Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat.

At CommCore, we think there’s a lesson or two for business leaders in all this: First, know your customer. Read more

If the Washington Post didn’t hear or see the tree fall, it still may have happened.

Remember the riddle: If a tree falls in the woods and no one was there to see or hear it, how do we know it really fell? The new answer is because of cell phone camera and Facebook and Twitter. Read more

Value vs. Values: Is There Anything We Should Know Before We Pay You A Gazillion Dollars?

A recent article published by Bloomberg used the Tiger Woods fiasco to question the value of celebrity endorsements (

Using celebrities to promote a brand, product or service has been a tried-and-true marketing strategy for decades. Read more