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Posts Tagged: CommCore

Responding to “Fake” Tweeters

Public companies increasingly have to deal with “fake” Twitter accounts created by people who have a bone to pick with the corporation or its brands. BPGlobalPR, for example, is a mock Twitter account using the BP name that has already acquired over 187,000 followers with its satirical spoof tweets on the company’s oil spill clean-up efforts. Read more

Does the picture tell the story?

Front page of USA Today this morning, and just about everywhere else in the media: a “before” and “after” photo or video clip of the oil well deep in the Gulf.
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Rolling Stone and McChrystal: Sucker Punch or Not?

The recent Rolling Stone article that got General Stanley McChrystal sacked as commander of US forces in Afghanistan has also raised an important issue about what it means to go “off the record” with a reporter.
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Correcting the record

The Washington Post’s front page article on how US Government officials in Pakistan are trying to counter what they believe are inaccurate and wrongly slanted articles in the Pakistani media Read more

War Rooms and Crisis Communications

Establishing a communications “war room” in a crisis is one of the first tactical steps to get on top of a fast breaking situation.
It’s essential to have a central place for a crisis team.
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Twitter Posts Tick-off British Airways

One of the cardinal rules that both labor and management profess when negotiations begin on contracts or other issues is: We promise that we won’t negotiate these issues in the press.
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