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CNN posted an interesting article about filling up resumes with empty words that hold people back from being a stand-out candidate.

This reminds us that over-used words should not only be avoided on print, but also in communications delivery. Read more

Another View on the TSA Full Body Scanner: A Silent Minority Speaks Up

Since Thanksgiving, the debate about TSA scanners has simmered a bit. It’s guaranteed to pick up in the next couple of weeks during the Christmas/New Year’s rush. Missing from the vehement discussions about scanners, privacy and intrusive TSA pat downs, is a multi-million member silent minority – The Metal Body Part Packing Nation who prefer full-body scanners.
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Former New York Times economics reporter Peter Goodman’s explanation for leaving the eminent newspaper to join the Huffington Post ( raises interesting questions about (a) the past and future relationship between journalists and Subject Matter Experts, and (b) the lengths to which journalists have always gone to color their stories with some form of opinion. Read more

Keep Derek Jeter. Don’t negotiate in the press.

Why is it that smart people who should know better don’t know how to keep from washing their dirty laundry in public?
The last couple of days have been relatively quiet, but last week was an embarrassing time for all involved.
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The Carnival Splendor’s Social Media Strategy

Carnival Cruise Lines is getting generally high marks for its customer relations and public relations response to the highly-publicized misfortune that befell its “Carnival Splendor” earlier this month. The ship and passengers were stranded at sea for days with no power after an engine room fire, and the vessel had to be towed in to port. Read more

Communications/Negotiations Lessons from Ted Kheel

Noted labor lawyer and negotiator par excellence, Theodore W. Kheel, passed away this week. As the obituaries attest, for the better part of four decades Ted was the key connector between management and labor in New York City and in Washington.
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“Neutral Sentiment” in Social Media

As Social Media Monitoring and Measurement becomes increasingly defined and sophisticated, it appears that the communications industry is beginning to settle on common terminology regarding results or impact. But one important area where differences remain is on the meaning of the crucial term “Sentiment” – specifically “Neutral Sentiment.”
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