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Posts Tagged: CommCore

Be Careful What You Hashtag

Known primarily  for their delicious pastries and desserts, Entenmann’s is facing backlash for a distasteful tweet this week. While Twitter was erupting over the Casey Anthony “not guilty” murder verdict, @Entenmann’s asked “Who’s not guilty of eating all the treats they want” and included the trending “Not Guilty “ hashtag.

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Contrast and Compare: The Perfect “Sticky” Message

Sticky messages – those memorable sound bites, analogies or stories that resonate and “stick” in the mind of an audience – emerge one of two ways: as the result of hard work in message development sessions, or they can just happen organically. Read more

Nike and Vick: Redemption or Commercialism?

It’s often said that America loves a comeback story. But the announcement by Nike on the eve of the 4th of July weekend that it has re-hired NFL quarterback and convicted felon Michael Vick to a multi-year contract has a great deal of risks. Read more

NBC’s Pledge Gaffe

Any reporter and editor has been there before – letting something slip through on the air or in print that came back to bite them. But NBC did it in spades this past weekend – its editorial processes failing twice – in its coverage of the U.S. Read more


Burson Marsteller CEO Mark Penn hits the nail on the head when comparing King George the VI’s speech therapist Lionel Logue (as portrayed by Geoffrey Rush in the Oscar-winning movie “The King’s Speech”) with advising a CEO. Read more

On Metaphorically Speaking

New York Times columnist David Brooks reminds us that the proper use of metaphors is critical to human understanding. “[B]eing aware of metaphors reminds you of the central role that poetic skills play in our thought. Read more

Media and Presentation Training FAQs

With 25 years of communications consulting under our belt at CommCore, we get a lot of the same questions about the need for executive media or presentation training. Our top questions:

Q: Our CEO has been conducting media interviews and making public appearances for years. Read more

Glitter, Big Hair and Spandex as Powerful Public Presentation and Communications Tools

At CommCore we always remind our clients that interesting, relevant and – above all – memorable analogies are a staple of strong public presentations. Proper use of anecdotes, 3rd party validations, items from the day’s news, true personal stories – all are “visual” data points that can make the difference between an audience’s eyes glazing over, or a message that sticks. Read more