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Posts Tagged: CommCore

Don’t Give Them The Finger

When it comes to crisis response, TV and Social Media can be either friend or foe. It all depends on how you handle it.
Consider what is called the Letterman-Leno Syndrome – when an incident that puts your brand at risk becomes fodder for network TV comedy monologues or skits.
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All-Time Tweet Twits

It’s hardly news that Twitter gaffes are a professional communicator’s nightmare. Once posted, it’s impossible to recall your tweet and pretend it never happened. We all know intuitively that brand and personal reputation damage is difficult to repair once your “mistake” has gone viral.
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How To Ideas from Business Week


One of the more fun magazine reads is the current “How to” issue of Business Week .  There are plenty of short take ideas on how to admit a mistake by an NFL referee, how to talk to a Republican (by a Democrat) or how to talk to a Democrat (by a Republican). Read more

Protecting the NFL Brand

If you follow the NFL, the news of the day is the one-year suspension and fine of New Orleans Head Coach Sean Payton for his involvement in the now-famous bounty program as well as the indefinite suspension of Greg Williams, the defensive coach who concocted the scheme.  Read more

Are women better leaders? HBR says yes.


There’s a new study in the Harvard Business Review of 16 characteristics of leadership  in which female leaders outpace their male counterparts.

Based on experience with hundreds of companies and organizations the categories that don’t surprise me are building relationships and developing others.   Read more

OMG – Gap speaks in real English


If you think that The Gap’s clothes are hip, so is the way they treat social media with their employees.
An article from, describes The Gap’s social media policy as a straight and to the point approach that includes conversational language sans legalese.
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Lesson From the Media Side

A good line surfaced during Q and A at a forum at PR firm Powell Tate on the implications of social media for journalists and journalism.
Panelist Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post was engaged in an exchange with an audience member on ethics and accuracy in the age of Twitter.
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