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Posts Tagged: CommCore

You Don’t Know Jack

Generally cease-and-desist letters are not pleasant, to put it mildly. Lawyers tend to write them with the intent of scaring an alleged offender into altering this or that action. “Change what you’re doing, or we’re coming after you, etc.” Read more

A New “Tobacco Moment”

When a respected publication like The Economist proclaims a scandal as global finance’s “tobacco moment,” you know it’s not referring to your average PR-crisis. The furor over Barclays’ alleged LIBOR interest rate fixing is not likely to go away anytime soon for two reasons, both of which should give finance execs pause:

•    Experts agree that Barclays represents only the tip of the iceberg. Read more


F-bombs, four letter words, and other profanity are popping up much more frequently in the media these days. The standards of what is acceptable — on cable, YouTube and movies – is evolving. 
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