CommCore Blog and News

Why are safety drills important? Ask Asiana Airlines flight attendants

One of the top media attention grabbers is an airplane crash at a major airport with dramatic video of the explosion and fire.

When Asiana Airlines flight 214 smacked the runway at San Francisco International Airport (SFO), it was all over global news in a twitter nano-second.
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The “Gross” Factor: Social Media Monitoring in the Retail Food Sector


Monitoring social media is essential for any business, but because of its potential “Gross Factor” it’s especially important in the food industry.


Many will remember the seminal disgusting “prank” YouTube video posted four years ago by two Domino’s Pizza employees that garnered global headlines, resulted in felony charges against the pair, and damaged the pizza chain’s brand for months.
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Booz Allen & Edward Snowden – What did they know? When did they know it?


At the moment, Booz Allen Hamilton is what is called “collateral damage” from the revelation that self-confessed government document leaker Edward Snowden worked at the government contracting/consulting firm.

The immediate damage was to the company stock which was down as much as 5% after the leak and Snowden’s association was made known.   Read more

OMG! Private Rants Are Public

One of the more recent viral internet events involves the leaked email rant from a University of Maryland sorority sister.  The profane-laced letter quickly went global and is now one of the more popular memes (move over grumpy cat) spawning photos, hilarious videos, and chatter.
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